17 January 2007
The gooiest cake in the world…
I already made this cake, back in June, but as I did some adjustments and as it's one of the simplest yet most luxurious and satisfying cake in the world, I thought it was worth writing about it again!
I had some kumquats (or Chinese mandarins) in the fridge since ages, waiting for a nice duck breast. But as we are on diet, and duck breast is not really allowed, I decided to do something else with them… Albeit I think this cake too it’s not allowed in our diet… Anyway…
To add the kumquats in the cake I candied them and the result was even moister and gooier then the first time!!!
I honestly think it’s the best chocolate cake on this book!!! If not in the world!!!
For the kumquats
15 kumquats
150 g of sugar
250 ml of water
For the cake
200 g of dark chocolate
200 g of butter
200 g of sugar
5 eggs
1 tablespoon of flour
Cocoa for dusting
Begin with the kumquats. Wash and clean them. Put them in a saucepan filled with cold water, put it on the fire and let it boil for 1 minute, than drain the kumquats and repeat this operation at least twice.
Place the kumquats again in the saucepan and add sugar and water. Bring slowly to the boil and let it boil for 20 minutes. Drain the kumquats and leave them to cool on a grid.
Turn on your oven at 150° C. Melt chocolate and butter in the microwave. Let it cool slightly, and then add the sugar. Mix well and begin to add each egg, one at the time. Add the flour, and last the candied kumquats. Transfer it in a 20 cm diameter cake mould and bake for 25 minutes. Let it cool and let it rest in the fridge until the day after.
Dust with cocoa before serving.