And now, the food related part of this post: Jamie Oliver and his podcast!
Yesterday, a lazy Sunday mainly devoted to the recovery after one long dinner with friends on Saturday night (one pic at the end of the post: sorry about the light, but it was a candlelight dinner!), I was messing around in front of my Mac, and I decided to have a look at some food podcast. An entire universe opened in front of my eyes!
First of all the podcast of the Culinary Institute of America: I haven’t had enough time to explore them in the way they deserve, but just watching a brief part of the video dedicated to northern Spanish cuisine I was absolutely delighted!
Then a silly podcast, for cooks who can’t cook: ctrl-alt-chicken! Just hilarious!!!
And then, my favourite of all, the only, the unrivalled, the wonderful podcast by Jamie Oliver! There are only three video podcast by him (the rest are just audio), but he’s so cute while he tastes beetroot that you wish you could taste it too, with him, alone in the kitchen, maybe some candlelight, some nice music, a bottle of red wine… Ok, sorry, sometime I forget I’m a married woman! And Jamie is a married man father of two!
Heading back to Jamie’s podcast, it’s just like watching him in one of his famous shows: hilarious, everything made in front of your eyes, no fuss no muss, easy, simple, with no ostentation. He makes you think that even a 2 year old can do it! And that’s exactly what England (and the world) needed and still needs! Enjoy his freshness and the wonderful mood he’s able to broadcast all over the net!
Jamie Oliver you’re the best!
P.S. Explore all the links: they are worth it!!!