30 April 2007
Queen of Hearts Queen of Spades
One of my favorite characters from Disney's Alice in Wonderland is, of course, the magnificent Queen of Hearts: she is so mean, so pushy, so overbearing, so merciless that it's a real pleasure to watch her punishing a very annoining Alice!
To the contrary, in the book, I stand with Alice against the dictatorial Queen...
And now my mind is wondering in the realm of how wrong are some adaptation, especially for young minds, ready to be shaped and that will never read the original book...
But back to the recipe!!!
It happens that I own those cute cutters in the shapes of the symbols of a deck of cards, and sometime I remember to use them!
Carrots and courgettes pie
Puff pastry
1 courgette
1 carrot
1 onion
1 glass of milk
Salt and pepper
Egg yolk to brush
Preheat the oven at 180° C.
Lay the puff pastry and cut it to cover completely a cake mold (remember that you need to cover this pie, so cut wisely!).
Dice the vegetables. Warm the salted and peppered milk.
lay the vegetable inside the covered pan, cover with the milk, then cover the pie with the remaining puff pastry. Decorate the pie with the shape of your choice, brush with the egg yolk and bake until golden and puffed.