09 May 2007
Cupcakes for K
My dear sweeeeet friend K today turns (insert the number you like)!!! And tonight we'll party!
I made her this lavender cupcakes I found on one of my favorite blog: thanks so much Chockylit for being a constant source of inspiration! Your cupcakes are gorgeous!!!
The only thing I've changed was the decorations (the original one was of course much nicer!!! I'm a real mess!): I added a nice Toulouse violet on top!
And now a food dilemma for you all: why on earth cupcakes are a big hit in the States and back here, in Italy, we don't even know what are??? They are simple, quick, fancy and you can flavor them with practically anything you want... Why???
As much as why we don't even know what macarons are... Why???
In my dreams lately I often see a little cake shop in a narrow, old street, with 2 or 3 tables and chairs (may be 2 tables even outside, for spring and summer), the scent of freshly baked goods mixed with the different flavors of the most fragrant teas in the world, people relaxing and chatting, a beating sound coming from the back kitchen, a smiling young Italian woman in the back, decorating cakes...
But that's just a dream...