26 June 2007
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...
It wasn't a period of civil war, but a period of great heat, and the less I'm near the oven/fires, the better I feel!
And this quiche is cooked in the oven for 25 minutes without looking after it, prepared in 5 minutes top and could be eat either cold or warm...
2 courgettes
200 g of feta cheese
2 egg whites and 1 egg
200 ml of milk
Mint and basil leaves
Salt and pepper
1 roll of fresh puff pastry
Roll out the puff pastry inside a cake mould. Wash and trim the courgettes, then grate them with the biggest grater directly inside the cake mould.
Chopped mint and basil leaves.
Mix egg whites and egg (but if you prefer, you can use 2 entire eggs: I just had some white standing in the fridge since yesterday), milk, salt and pepper and the chopped herbs.
Pour it over the raw courgette, then crumble over it the feta.
Cooked in a preheated oven (180° C) for 25 minutes.
While we were eating it I thought that even adding grated lemon zest could do very well indeed!