30 September 2007
Daring Bakers: Cinnamon rolls
I have to say I love Cinnamon rolls. In general. Always. They are good, that’s it!
And then I saw this month challenge of the Daring Bakers I was happy, really!
You have to know that every daring baker take turn to host the monthly event. So every month we have a different host (this month is Marce!). The fact is that most of the hosts are Americans, so the recipe they give us are with American ingredients. And as we cannot all be Julia Child, and adapt the whole French cuisine to the American public, I sometimes have problems with the ingredients. Basic ingredients are simple to find, but for example you have to bear in mind that the average plain American flour has more gluten than the average Italian one. Or that yeasts are different.
This month the recipe was featuring a instant yeast, that, in fact, it must be different from the one sell in Italy. Because that’s the only reason I can give to the facts that my rolls were good, but not really puffy… Maybe with fresh yeast would have more soft…
But I loved them anyway! And I had fun, that’s for sure, and even all the people that ate them had fun!!!