28 January 2008
Daring Bakers: Lemon Meringue Pie
Ah, the American classic, the one you see in every diner in American movies! The sumptuous, meringue pie with a bright yellow cream filling!!!
When I read what the new challenge would be I was really excited!!! Jen, the Canadian Baker made a wonderful choice!
I began to read the recipe and I was a bit struck: water and not milk in the cream?
But, as usually with our daring bakers recipes, everything worked! Water in the cream, yes, as it's lighter, and with so much lemon you do not even notice it!
The lemon scent and flavour was perfect! I do not know if it was because I used organic lemons from Sorrento, the best lemon you can find in Europe, but it was the right balance of tangy and sweet!
The friends that ate it were very pleased! And me too, even if I would preferred a harder meringue, but that's all my fault: I'm always afraid of burning meringue!!!