14 May 2006

WHB # 32: My little “garden”

Inspired by dear Kalyn, here is my herb “garden”. I live in a big city, and I do not have the possibility to own a garden or even a big terrace: I just have a balcony, a rather small one!
And this year I decided to plant a lot of herbs and the like. I have got the temptation to spread a worldwide MeMe: Show us your own herb garden! What do you think Kalyn?
So, here they are (having a lot of fun with the dictionary to translate!), clockwise:
Camomille, basil (a plantation), sage (with flowers), balm (I do not yet know what for), dill, vervaine and lavander, thyme and mint (just little tiny leaves at the moment). Out of the picture, rosemary.

Ispirata da Kalyn, ecco il mio “giardino” di erbe. Vivendo a Milano, non ho decisamente la possibilità di avere un vero giardino o un terrazzo: ho solo un balconcino, anche minuscolo! E quest’anno ho piantato quasi solo erbe aromatiche e similari (facciamo partire un MeMe??? Tentazione…).
In senso orario: camomilla, basilico (una piantagione), salvia (ancora fiorita), melissa, aneto, vervena (erba limoncina) e lavanda, timo, menta (solo delle minuscole foglioline). Fuori dal collage il rosmarino.